90-Day English Vocabulary Study Planner

The English Study Planner, which we call 'The English Journey', will assist you to organize your English vocabulary studies on a continuous basis, will support you systematically in improving your vocabulary and reach your goal.



This digital study planner is an important tool to improve and track your vocabulary studies. You will be able to expand your English vocabulary by downloading this planner upon purchase and using the cumulative system as shown in the planner everyday for 90 days.

The English Journey has many features like from habit tracking, to daily planner where you can write 10 words daily based on your interests and use them in sentences to remember better, goals section where you can write your goals based on a 10-day timeframe, antonyms and synonyms sections, and more. Your planner will help you organize your English vocabulary studies.


English Vocabulary Study Planner

Quotes from the well-known leaders

Self-motivation is of great importance in your English vocabulary studies, but motivation-based progress can only go so far, the most important one is the consistency and it can be achieved with an action-based progress because motivation comes and goes. However, learning and mastering the usage of the words can motivate us at times when we struggle and that is why some of the thoughts of well-known leaders can help us to stay on track.


1. What is a study planner?

A study planner is a type of agenda that is designed carefully and systematically to help you with your vocabulary studies and make the language learning hourney systematic, organized and consistent.

2. Are the 10 words that we need to study everyday written in the planner?

Planner means a diary. Words are not given to you. You find those words you don't know and write them down as well as the sentences they are used in. The planner offers you a system, and you determine the content (which words you study) based on your English level.
